Though one third of our life goes on sleeping only, yet a question which arises frequently in our mind is, how much sleep we really need? Commonly we see that young babies sleep for 17-18 hrs, children 9-10 hrs and adults 7-8 hrs. But really speaking not only the quantity but quality of sleep is important. Because we see many people around who are fresh and active with 5-6 hrs sleep, while many feel tired even after 9-10 hrs sleep.

How much sleep one needs depends on several factors including inherited genetic need, sleep hygiene, occupation etc.

There is no doubt that sleep is indispensable and essential for -
1) Performance - As intellectually challenging tasks are learned more effectively after a good sleep.
2) Mood - Inadequate sleep is frequently associated with irritability.
3) Health - Sleep deprivation, in future may lead to various health problems like hypertension, obesity etc.
Normal sleep also enhances normal growth in children as well as repairing cells and tissues.
So are there any ways to improve quality of our sleep?
  • Stick to the daily schedule of going to bed as far as possible.
  • Do relaxing activities like listening music before going to bed.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and heavy meal before bed time.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise 5-6 hrs before sleep.
  • Avoid reading or watching T.V. while in bed.
  • Taking a hot bath which reduces body temperature is a good idea.
Remember, exercising regularly and doing things you enjoy will improve your ability to go to sleep and so also the quality.

Related Links :

01. Plan your health : Revealing the concept
02. Key To Health - Sound Body and Sound Mind
03. Hot Summer - Cool Fruits and Health
04. Sunburn - Cool Cool Solutions
05. Varicose veins - Do not get panic!
06. Obesity - Say Good Bye!
07. Cultivate Beautiful Mind

Do you recall ten of your favorite personalities and why they are so? Probably the most common answer will be, there was something in their nature which made you feel close to your heart. We all know beautiful body is only for the time being, it is the beautiful mind which is everlasting. Do you really wish to cultivate the same in you - just think over these things....

Understand emotions - Many a times it happens that we are frustrated or sad and absolutely speechless, still our dearest one recognizes that something is wrong with us. Stalwarts say, before reacting imagine yourself in other person's place. And for that you will have to keep aside your ego.

Be a good listener - For a good and healthy communication listening is as important as speaking. Contrary to common belief, listening should be an active process where you not only pay attention to others but also take interest in what he is saying.

Flexible thoughts - We all have our own beliefs and principles. But it does not mean, we should shut down doors of our mind. By keeping them open we can allow fresh breeze of new ideas to flow through and through which will keep our mind ever young.

Sense of humor - It is quite easy and natural to comment on and make fun of others. But if you see qualities of great people, most of them are able to laugh at themselves even in public. Such thing will keep our face and mind always smiling.

Respect space of others - Life is not always about making merry. Introspection at regular intervals is very necessary and for that you need a bit loneliness - space and so does others.

Be sensible - There are persons who make others happy just by virtue of their company. For that, first you have to be sensible enough. Then people in your vicinity will get attracted to you, as such persons are always wanting and being loved!

Related Links :

01. Plan your health : Revealing the concept
02. Key To Health - Sound Body and Sound Mind
03. Hot Summer - Cool Fruits and Health
04. Sunburn - Cool Cool Solutions
05. Varicose veins - Do not get panic!
06. Obesity - Say Good Bye!

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