Health is Wealth - a very popular saying! But how serious we are in maintaining and increasing this wealth? In today's era of rat race pure healthy life has become a rarity; from coryza to cancer and from anxiety to depression, problems are increasing day by day.
Every now and then we are running from post to pillars, from doctor to doctors in search of the perfect solution for our disease. We get examination and investigations done, diagnosis of our disease, prescription in our hand and wallet in doctor's, assuming that now I will be cured.
You will wonder in olden days it was moral and legal responsibility of doctor to keep everybody in his vicinity in good health and he was supposed to pay if anything wrong happened. That is doctor was only being paid till people used to be healthy, not when they get diseased!
With fading concept of family doctor today and our insistence to visit specialist for every little problem, probably we have forgotten the basic - PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE!
Here with our wide clinical experience in medical profession and health research, I along with my better half hope to provide you better yet simpler ways to prevent sickness. Even if they occur how to regain your health with natural and easier techniques. We are sure if followed these advices you definitely can enjoy being healthy!
Labels: cure, disease, doctor, fitness, health, health planning, healthy, plan, prevention, remedy
Eve's World
May 2, 2009 at 12:14 AM
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Best luck for your efforts that may cure the society and the youth. At least someone get the right fundas from this write up and keep him/her fit...